LexArts HOP
On HOP night, dozens of galleries, museums, artists’ studios, and creative spaces conventional-and-un, collectively throw open their doors for anyone and everyone to wander in.
LexArts HOP has something for locals and visitors alike. A chance to roam and explore Lexington while being introduced to diverse art and artists. Spend the evening hopping from location to location taking in galleries, artist studios, and supporting venues exhibits. Take this chance to socialize with friends, strangers, and art lovers galore. Many pieces will be for sale by the artists if you’re looking to start a new collection or add the perfect piece to an existing one.
HOP happens six times a year, because it’s more than even the most ambitious can take in on a single Friday night. And because Lexington’s vibrant visual arts scene never stands still — new exhibitions and new sites rotate in and out of an ever-changing roster — there’s always something new to experience.

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