LexArts Calls For Artists

Join the LexArts Artist Registry!

LexArts Artist Opportunities track and connect artists with the latest RFPs, RFQs, artist calls, and the like, both locally and nationally. Industry Opportunities explore current employment opportunities in the creative industries. New opportunities pop up frequently, so make sure you check back.


The LexArts Artist Registry is a directory of artists residing throughout Kentucky. It specifically focuses on artists in visual and performing arts. The registry includes a diverse range of artists, from emerging self-taught creators to professional career artists.

Artist Opportunities

Open Call | John G. Irvin Gallery

Lexington, KY

The John G. Irvin Gallery was created to promote Kentucky’s visual artists and opened in March 1987. The creation of the gallery was a labor of love and a passion of the late Irvin, a Lexingtonian and former employee of Central Bank. Over the years the gallery has hosted exhibitions by Kentucky’s finest artists, as well as new and emerging artists exhibiting for the first time. Inquiries to David Goodman, dgoodman@centralbank.com.

Deadline: Rolling

Learn More

For additional information contact Nathan Zamarron or call 859.255.2951 ext. 109.


Call for Artists | Untold Stories 

Lexington, KY

Gatton Park on the Town Branch seeks experienced artists to transform Town Branch Creek’s untold stories into an outdoor interactive public art piece(s) to be installed adjacent to the creek bed and walking path. The park opening, coupled with Lexington’s 250-year anniversary, is an unprecedented opportunity to address and honor the complex history of Town Branch Creek. Specifically, this project will explore the history of African Americans, enslaved and freed, who were essential to the creation of our built environment and early commerce along the Town Branch in Lexington, KY. Gatton Park is accepting applications on callforentry.org through September 18, 2024. There is no fee to enter. The project budget is $250,000. Given the nature of this project and the site, artists who identify as Black or African American, or of African American descent are encouraged to apply. Questions? Email Director of Programs & Engagement Erica Cook at erica@gattonpark.org.

Deadline: September 18, 2024

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Job Openings

Lexington Children’s Theatre, Marketing and Sales Director

Please find the job description here.

Interested applicants can send a resume and cover letter to lct.hiring@gmail.com or apply through Indeed

Request for Publication

Request for Publication | Artist Opportunity
If you would like to publish a Call for Artists on the LexArts website, please complete this form.