We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats.

For forty years we’ve been on a mission to flood this community with life-enriching art. Thankfully, visionary individuals, corporations and foundations support our work to sustain the makers of art and shine a light on the work they make.


Research shows that arts-infused communities rise and shine across the nation. In ours, nearly 1,185 full-time jobs account for over $32 million in living wages and $3.2 million in state and local tax revenue. Our programs entertain half a million residents and visitors and the education initiatives of our partner organizations engage over 220,000 children every year. With your continuing support our mission continues.

Every dime of your totally tax-free donations helps art be made and make its way into the world where it can make a world of difference. Make your gift here!

Pacesetters are major public, corporate, and foundation donors who, by making an early commitment to LexArts annual Fund for the Arts campaign, set the pace for success. Click here to view our Campaign Pacesetters.  Interested in being a fundraising front-runner? Contact our Vice President of Advancement, Maury Sparrow, who will be happy to get you on track.

Smart employers understand the importance of the arts as an engine for personal and economic growth. Our Workplace Giving program helps enlightened companies make it easy for employees to contribute to the Fund for the Arts, while getting the insider scoop on the arts community and the many exciting possibilities it offers.

Smart companies and individuals know that one-size sponsorship doesn’t fit all. It takes smarts and strategy to match a sponsor with the opportunity that will yield maximum benefit for all. Contact Maury Sparrow, our Vice President of Advancement, who has the experience to lay the groundwork.

Kroger Community Rewards is a simple way to support LexArts every time you shop at NO COST TO YOU. Sign into your account at Kroger.com to start supporting the arts today!


Every year hosts and hostesses entertain their friends, family, colleagues and others in intimate settings of their choosing and their guests, in turn, support LexArts. Each season is full of unique and highly creative affairs including an art swap, an Iranian tea party, a Burning Man introduction, a neighborhood social, an intimate poolside supper, Art+Beauty, Martini Monday, a French feast, a bread-making class, a street ballet, cocktails on the porch, cocktails by the pool, a gospel brunch and many more.


Because of so many generous individuals, we’re able to bring more art to more people.  If you would like to host an Arty Party, please contact Maury Sparrow.

The arts can always use an assist in the form of volunteer time, energy and skills.  We have many opportunities for new volunteers. From the liveliest downtown art event LexArts Hop, to assisting the LexArts staff first hand on projects in the office, and whether your interest lies in theatre, music, dance, visual or literary art, there is a way for you to get involved. Here are some ways you can help.