LexArts Business Volunteers for the Arts

LexArts recruits and trains experienced business professionals to assist small- to medium-sized nonprofit arts organizations as pro bono project consultants.


The organization benefits from professional advice on specific business challenges and the volunteer from the opportunity to sharpen skills, gain leadership experience, network, and engage with the arts. We are currently recruiting.


  • Board Development Consultant – Statewide arts organization dedicated to Arts and Crafts History is in need of assistance in Board Development.
  • Business Planning – Local youth arts program focused on East End of Lexington is in need of business planning professional to assist in developing a sustainability plan to grow the organization into an organization that delivers programs year-round.
  • Strategic Business, Program Planning
  • Information Technology
  • Public Relations, Marketing, Communications
  • Accounting, Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Fundraising, Board Development