Bluegrass Creative Market- Spring Edition
Join us for a curated Kentucky artist and maker market at Oleika Shriners. We will be INSIDE and OUTSIDE with lots of local handmade goods.
Shop for candles, leather, wood, home decor, Kentucky themed, door hangers, apparel, wall art, pottery and so much more! We’ll have food and drink trucks plus lots of goodies.
Saturday, April 9th from 10AM-3PM
Sunday, April 10th from 10AM-3PM
Sunday, April 10th from 10AM-3PM
Invite your friends and come on down. Family friendly, something for everyone.
Pets welcome outside.
Pets welcome outside.
VENDORS- If you are a Kentucky artist or maker and are interested in
participating, please email BluegrassCollaborative@gmail.com Subject- “New Spring 2022 Vendor”. Please include your business name, business social media handles and product photos. We are a juried Kentucky made market.
participating, please email BluegrassCollaborative@gmail.com Subject- “New Spring 2022 Vendor”. Please include your business name, business social media handles and product photos. We are a juried Kentucky made market.

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