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Maestra, directed by Maggie Contreras, follows five internationally-based women including LexPhil Music Director Mélisse Brunet as they prepare for and perform in La Maestra, the only competition in the world for female orchestra conductors. Personal stories of survival, passion and perseverance are woven together with...

Tickets: Film Screening, Q&A, Acoustic Performance Part love story, part historical excavation, Fantastic Negrito’s extraordinary new album, White Jesus Black Problems, is an exhilarating ode to the power of family and the enduring resilience of our shared humanity. Inspired by the illegal, interracial romance of his seventh generation grandparents—a white...

Tickets: CLAY1613 is inspired by the family research of Leontyne Clay Peck & The Clay Family Society. It is a 60 minute documentary film about the heritage of the CLAY Family and the journey of Leontyne Clay Peck and other Clay descendants in finding and connecting...

Registration Link: Join The Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center and KET for a special preview screening of The Alice and Wade Houston Story. This documentary chronicles the lives and careers of Alice and Wade Houston, a philanthropically inclined couple from Louisville who grew up in segregated communities, became...

After King 23 analyzes where America is after Dr King's dream by interviewing a diverse group of people to give their insight about controversial issues in the country. What is so phenomenal about this particular film is that it was prophetic to the Breonna Taylor...

After King 23 analyzes where America is after Dr King's dream by interviewing a diverse group of people to give their insight about controversial issues in the country. What is so phenomenal about this particular film is that it was prophetic to the Breonna Taylor...

After King 23 analyzes where America is after Dr King's dream by interviewing a diverse group of people to give their insight about controversial issues in the country. What is so phenomenal about this particular film is that it was prophetic to the Breonna Taylor...