musical theatre Tag

For six decades, audiences around the world have fallen in love with Fiddler on the Roof. This golden-age classic explores the timeless theme of facing progress while honoring “Tradition.” Tevye, his family, and his entire community grapple with the inevitability of changing times. Faith, love, and...

“Oh, What A Night!” Come enjoy the show-stopping bio-musical Jersey Boys, and go behind the music of the iconic American doo-wop band, Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. This gripping story features all the hit tunes you love including “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” and “Can’t Take...

Here is Rydell High’s senior class of 1959: duck-tailed, hot-rodding “Burger Palace Boys” and their gum-snapping, hip-shaking “Pink Ladies” in bobby sox and pedal pushers, evoking the look and sound of the 1950s in this rollicking musical. Head “greaser” Danny Zuko and new (good) girl...

By chance, Kris Kringle, an old man in a retirement home, gets a job working as Santa for Macy’s. Kris unleashes waves of good will with Macy’s customers and the commercial world of New York City by referring parents to other stores to find exactly...

Here is the spooky classic story by Washington Irving, presented with all the thrills, chills and laughs that keep young audiences on the edge of their seats. The storybook tale revolves around the main characters—the bumbling schoolteacher Ichabod, the coquettish Katrina and Ichabod’s brutish rival,...