solarpunk Tag

Pretty Mud: Learn about wild-crafted earth pigments, discuss ethical considerations, turn clay into paint, and create art from everyday materials! This workshop for all ages will be facilitated by bugz fraugg at UK's Bolivar Gallery.   This event is part of the Summer of Solarpunk series. See...

Please join us on July 9th from 5:30 – 9:00 pm EST as we host The Beehive Collective for art, storytelling, and discussion at the UK SAVS building! Guests will hear and share stories of resistance guided by large paper "murals" created by Beehive Collective, including...

Mutual Menstruation is a feminist sewing circle creating reusable menstrual pads for mutual aid networks. Join new and old friends in a relaxed group setting for sewing, snacking, gabbing, and more! Mutual Menstruation is open to all genders; no sewing or menstrual experience is required...

Mutual Menstruation is a feminist sewing circle creating reusable menstrual pads for mutual aid networks. Join new and old friends in a relaxed group setting for sewing, snacking, gabbing, and more! Mutual Menstruation is open to all genders; no sewing or menstrual experience is required...

Lexington Tool Library is a library of things for making our homes and communities better. Join us to help inventory, clean, organize & sharpen our current collection. Meet core Tool Librarians and learn about our vision for a library commons. Open to all members and...

Free Lexington is a radical study group for people in Lexington and Central Kentucky who want to fight US imperialism, abolish prisons, and build a free and ecological society beyond capitalism.   This event is open to the public. A member of Free Lex will offer a...

ALL POWER ON EARTH COMES FROM THE SUN is a field sampling of contemporary ecosocial art exploring autonomy, care, and the potential for a more free and ecological world. This group exhibition, curated by Solarpunk Surf Club, gathers prefigurative specimens, tracks movements in positive deviance,...

Do you have a handcraft that would benefit from the accountability buddy system?  Come chill with your project at the Bolivar Gallery anytime 11 am – 6 pm during the first 3 Mondays in August and get your projects closer to complete!   Alyssum will be working...